The Speakeasy

Is Speech-to-Speech Right for You (or Someone You Know)?
In 1990, Dr. Robert “Bob” Segalman introduced Speech-to-Speech (STS) as a service that would allow individuals with speech difficulties the opportunity to fully participate in telephone conversations.

Understanding TEPs: Weighing the Pros and Cons
Many laryngectomees— “Larys”—express confusion or concern about TransEsophageal Prosthesis (TEP). In this article, I discuss the pros and cons of this procedure

The Telephone: Frenemy to Laryngectomees
Yesterday was a banner day in the world of telephone communications! Earlier this week on a Zoom meeting there was a big discussion on the horror story that is trying to use and be understood on a telephone, especially when computer systems are engaged.

Beyond The Broken: Kintsugi And Laryngectomy
A few days ago, I went with a good friend to a Kintsugi class at a local Art Center. It was described as a workshop of healing and exploration. We have both been trying to get ourselves out of winter funk and try our hands and minds at some new challenges. Both of us are Cancer survivors and while I have a more obvious result of mine, we do struggle not to fixate on our experiences but to more forward with joy and thanks at life.